Life is the most expensive that the person has, what has no actual price. It's not important how much money you, your relatives and colleagues have, you cannot buy seconds of additional life. However, there is an opportunity to promote considerably in this direction – participation in works of the profile organization which is engaged in development and the solution of tasks in the field of extension of life, in this example – Consortium and directly acting in his framework Venture and charity foundations.
There are only two options in our life, providing hypothetically a possibility of its extension:
- Treatment (rejuvenation) of the organism by those who often "entice" at you (at us) for it money, at what without guarantee of success and decency of the relation to the work and to the client
- Possession of own developments of rejuvenation and treatment, and also opportunity by right to use them (though investments in them is not always a scientific component, and often material), at the same time, helping also itself, and to mankind is, one may say, the most worthy charity having and practical dividends! The best capital investments – an investment in your own Life! It is what can't be bought any more anywhere!
The consortium carries out the activity, both in Russia, and in foreign countries. The head office of Consortium is in the territory of the Russian Federation. Enter into Consortium: Venture Fund, Management company, Fund of research researches, Charity Foundation and Representation in Russia. And also number of public and non-profit organizations. Leading experts of Russia and the world community take part in activity of Consortium.
Today's science has certain considerable achievements in the field of preservation of health and extension of life. Strengthening of activity in this direction is obviously justified both with moral, and with practical the points of view. Polemic on an ethical question – sense of existence, or geopolitical – increases in population in general or in these or those regions in particular, in this case, is groundless. One position is the reason for that: finding of meaning of life of the human being, his place in the world, a world explanation in general, as well as improvement of quality of human life, as we know, are possible only thanks to accumulation of knowledge, their systematization and the analysis reduced to a common denominator by the person and only him today. And the person, in the most part thanks to long and fruitful life, can try to reduce answer term by the questions raised before it the nature and to achieve real results in achievement of goals. Knowledge and experience which are saved up in human consciousness in active longevity yield the best results, providing the considerable progressing opportunities. Here it should be noted also the concept of definition of the good and evil involved somehow as ethical categories. The greatest evil , obviously, to consider emotional and physical components, suffering and a grief of the person from feebleness, diseases, death.
Activity in the field of extension of human life, active longevity, rejuvenation of an organism, taking into account the above conclusions, leads to definite answer to a question of a priority of that expediency – maximum, quite so it can be characterized. Both financial investments, and work of scientific institutes and certain scientists, and in general globality of aspiration of mankind – all this are the answer to the matter giving both to mankind in general, and to the certain person chance.
The question of extension of life undoubtedly is one of the main questions for mankind. In this regard, it is necessary to notice that developments in this direction make considerable sense, and are obviously not unreasonable. The American physicist, the Nobel Prize laureate Richard Phillips Feynman has told in this respect: "If the person has taken in head to build the perpetual motion machine, he would face the ban in the form of the physical law. Unlike this situation in biology there is no law which would approve an obligatory extremity of life of each individual". And it is true, today's science has taken certain steps, considerably having progressed in the solution of this question.
The maximum life expectancy of organisms of different types, as we know, is usually limited to the specific limit determined by aging of an organism and his ability to self-updating, and also external conditions.
The mankind almost knows nothing about the life nature so the basis to consideration, hypothetically, are available for all theories having though some reasonable prospect applying for evidential base.
Apparently from the analysis based on information as own, so independent analysts, representatives of the largest companies of Russia, and foreign countries, today's universal tendencies of orientation of branch (sector) capital investments of venture funds are oriented first of all on a segment of IT technologies and goods of consumer demand, though the health care in general takes rather strong key positions.
However, it is necessary to notice that certainly the powerful argument in favor of investments into health care and in particular in the field directly of extension of life, has a number of considerable priorities, stability of demand (as in the long-term, and short-term forecast, irrespective of tendencies of the financial market) and stability in view of unconditional relevance. Besides the sector of this area in the world, and, in particular in Russia, without exaggeration is huge.
The scientific base, the accumulated experience, a non-standard of approaches, all this gives the chance of considerable advance in the solution of the questions and tasks raised before branch, and is equal also enhancement of the invested capital, increase in life expectancy and saving of health, rejuvenation, on the basis of the introduced means and methods, as for investors, and in general for mankind.
Since Aristotle's time one of the main statements interpreted in this or that look linguistically, but recognized in ethics and having one semantic loading is known: "Globality of the purpose defines the person". You aspire to the purpose, make investments into the field of extension of life, do charity work. Be realists.
Co-founder of the fund,
Sergey Osipov